Short Descriptions
Zinc Oxide is considered as Hazardous Material
Active Zinc Oxide 200 25 Kg Pack Bag
More Information
200 is used against Whiteseal ZNO (same as whiteseal in composition), 200 is also used against Pan Continental C-30
Zinc oxide (ZnO) is added to rubber compounds to activate sulfur vulcanization and thereby reduce the vulcanization time. Besides its effect on the curing process, ZnO has many beneficial effects on the phys- ical properties of rubber. 1 Furthermore, ZnO assists in the processing of uncured rubber,In powdered form, zinc oxide is mainly used in cosmetics or pharmaceutical products and is rarely used in industries. It is used to make ointments, creams, and various powders that are used for treating skin conditions like diaper rashes in babies, insect injuries, burns, etc. All of these conditions are treated by medicines that contain powdered zinc oxide.